Friday, December 02, 2011

Flat Stanley arrives in Arkansas

Jacob Shillings, a son of our friends Jim and Lauri, sent us a fun request this week:

I am a fifth grade student in Ms. French's class at New Market flat stanleyElementary. When I was in first grade our class read the book Flat Stanley. He was a boy who was flattened by a bulletin board. Stanley wanted to travel, so his family folded him up and mailed him to California.
In fifth grade, we are currently learning the states and capitals of the United States. Our teacher, Ms. French, wanted to enhance these geography lessons by using Flat Stanley. So, I am mailing my Flat Stanley to you. Please take him somewhere and write me back telling me about his adventures. If you have pictures, postcards, or brochures, please send them back with him. I will share his adventures with my classmates and this will help my classmates and I learn about the geography of the United States. We have a wall display in our grade level for the entire school to view.
Thank you for helping me with this project. Hope you have fun with him!

Stanley is about 9 inches tall. I think he’ll travel to Memphis this weekend for bagels and sightseeing.

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