Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another dog gone

buddyWe were playing Frisbee with Jack in the back yard this afternoon – Jack isn’t ready to catch a Frisbee, but he loves to chase it down and return it – when our neighbor came over to report that their dog Buddy was dead.

Buddy was a gangly young hound who would have been a year old next February. He was huge and getting bigger by the day.

He lived in a kennel behind the neighbors’ house, complete with a dog house. He liked to sit on the dog house roof and survey the neighborhood. His owners would let his run loose occasionally and he got on the bad side of other neighbors when he got into their garage and ate a bunch of popcorn and paper products last summer.

He was big and goofy and full of fun and he came visiting yesterday morning while our dogs were out in the fenced backyard. Pete didn’t much care for Buddy and they kept each other busy pissing on fence posts, one after the other, each wanting to be the last dog to mark the spot.

But Jack delighted in this new playmate and tore around the perimeter as Buddy ran from one end of the chain link fence to the other, back and forth, back and forth.

It turns out that Buddy was on a tether late yesterday while his owners were away from home. Somehow, he slipped out of his collar and went exploring. Unfortunately, his explorations took him to nearby U.S. 49 where he was hit by a car or truck and suffered fatal head injuries.

Our neighbor buried Buddy this afternoon under a pine tree behind their house.

This has been a hard year for dogs that we know. Son Steve had to put down Frank, Sean and Ruth had to say goodbye to Daisy, Free Range Frank died of injuries suffered when he was hit by a vehicle, we had to let go of Ruthie and now Buddy is gone.

Hug your dogs and keep them safe. They deserve it.

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