Sunday, October 09, 2011

My weekend in Potosi, Mo.

I rode up to Potosi, Mo., Friday morning for the Falling Leaf Rally, presented at the Potosi Lions Club Park by the Gateway Riders BMW Club.
This will almost certainly be my only rally of the year, since the season is winding down and we’ll not see glorious fall weather like this much longer.
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         My main motivation for riding about 180 miles, besides the pleasure of the ride, was to commune with my Indianapolis BMW Club friends. We made a good showing, with about 17 members and guests, most of us camped in a group around a fire circle.
I didn't hear an attendance figure announced at the Saturday evening closing ceremonies, but was told later that 805 people showed up. We had attendees from as far away as the Florida Keys.
The closing ceremonies always include an anvil shoot or two in which an anvil is blasted skyward with a charge of black powder. I shot video of both shoots with my GoPro Hero HD video camera, but will only include the first shoot since it was the better video of the two.
Unlike my Indy friends who are probably still on the road, I was home by 12:30 p.m., since it’s only a three-hour jaunt for me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Lord. The only thing I know about Potosi is the one surly, overweight sheriff we found when driving through early, early morning and lost. :)
