Sunday, September 25, 2011

It’s a Sunday morning bagel revival!


Problem: The eight remaining bagels from the dozen-and-a-half I bought nine days ago at City East Bagel in Memphis have become hard as rocks and inedible. Should I throw them away or is there a way to revive them?

Solution: Google the words “revive” “stale” and “bagel.” This led me to and their Helpful Bagel Facts page where I learned “Several-day-old bagels tend to harden. They may be freshened up by toasting, broiling, microwaving very briefly (15 seconds), or moisten with water and bake for 10 minutes in a 350 degree oven.”

So I dipped the eight bagelrocks in a bowl of water, arrayed them on a baking sheet and popped them into a 350 degree oven. When I pulled them out 10 minutes later, I was pleased to note the delightful fresh-baked bagel aroma and see that they yielded when poked with a finger.

I let them cool for about 5 minutes, sliced, toasted and cream cheesed one of the chocolate flavored bagels and was delighted to find it was just as good as the day it came home from Memphis.
