Saturday, July 16, 2011

Who cares what I think?

baby-boomer-chartMy stepdaughter Morgan is a financial genius.

She has a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in library science. While most of her classmates at Indiana University are still paying off student loans, Morgan graduated with money in the bank and no debt.

She has always been fiercely thrifty and has become expert at couponing during the last year or so. More recently she signed on with several online survey sites and gets paid in money, merchandise and coupons for filling out surveys.

She suggested it to me and I signed up with three such sites.

But after filling out the initial surveys that let them assign me to the appropriate demographic in terms of age, race, employment status, education and location, the survey offerings have dwindled down to zero.

My conclusion: the marketplace doesn’t really give a damn about what a 66-year-old retired white guy in Arkansas thinks.

Perhaps, they had better reconsider. I represent the leading edge of the Baby Boom Generation – the pig in the python when it comes to population groups and the most rapidly growing demographic.

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