Monday, July 04, 2011

Weekend project

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         When Austin comes to visit he always turns out to be a catalyst for projects we’ve been putting off.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         This time it was the antique hutch Maria found at an abandoned gas station-turned used furniture store on her way home a few weeks ago.

The interior had been painted a nasty yellow, so Maria got some paint to match the dining room wall and she and Austin applied two coats of it Saturday afternoon and evening.

I thought it would look more impressive if we could add lighting, so we went to Lowe’s yesterday and found a $45 LED light setup on sale for $20 and some new drawer pulls and door knobs to dress it up for another $28.

Here’s the finished product. The project piqued Austin’s imagination and has him thinking about making money refurbishing furniture when he gets home.

Now Austin is stoking the outdoor fireplace in an effort to burn up all of the woodpile where we think a snake may be lurking and menacing Pete.

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