Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday night stuff

The U.S. Postal Service released a list of small post offices targeted for closure this week.

I went to the official web site and checked the listings for Arkansas and Indiana.

Happily, Brookland, Ark., and Thorntown, Ind. are not on the list.

In the meantime, I got a call from my ATO Fraternity brother Jan Eglen asking me to scan my archives for any photos of him as an undergraduate at Indiana State University. Seems the University is declaring him a distinguished alumni and they need some photos for the occasion.

I searched, but came up empty for the undergrad years.

eglen weir cookI did, however, find this photo from when fraternity brother Bill Broadstreet (on the far right) and I and someone else, maybe Dennis Fach, met his plane when Jan and his wife Jo flew home from California to Indianapolis for Christmas, 1966.

Indianapolis International Airport was called Weir Cook Airport in those days and passengers boarded and de-planed via the rolling stairways that are only used for heads of state these days.

We swarmed the Eglens with cameras flashing, making it look like they were celebrities.

1 comment:

  1. Flora, this is a voice from the past, both yours and Broadstreet's. He was in my class at Shortridge, and I was 3rd-chair trumpet to his 2nd-chair. He dated my best friend and was on the tennis team. We know he died very young, but we never knew how. He looks happy and healthy in this photo you've posted. Can you shed any light on what happened with him after college?

    I was on the copy desk at The News from 1968 to 1971 and then was Clay Trusty's assistant on makeup(after Joe Bennett left)from 1971 to 1974. I know, from following some of your photos and comments online, that you too were Clay's assistant at some point.

    All best,
    Kathy (Shultz) Schienle
