Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Relieved not to be courting heat exhaustion

As much as I hate having to miss this year’s BMW Motorcycle Owners of America national rally in Bloomsburg, Pa., I’m extremely grateful I don’t have to ride through this insane heat wave to get there.

If I had followed my original plan, I would have suffered through heat indexes of 100 and above yesterday to get to Indianapolis, only to be hit by even more extreme temperatures today on the ride east through Ohio to Pennsylvania.

The last time I missed a BMW MOA rally was 2007 when a wedding photo shoot got in the way of riding to Wisconsin for what I’m told was a splendid rally. I swore I wouldn’t let anything get in the way again, but I hadn’t counted on family illness.

So Maria’s back problem has rescued me from a miserable ride, or worse. For that, I’m grateful and I’m glad I can be here to help her through this difficult time.

Besides, I can buy a rally pin later from the BMW MOA website.

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