Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Red bag, red boots

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         Maria is trying to heal from a bulging disk (L-5 to be precise) and the path to recovery involves avoiding sitting in favor of lying down, standing and especially walking.

Since it’s crazy hot, we’ve become mall walkers, making a point of walking about a mile every day at the Mall at Turtle Creek.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

We were on the second half of our walk today when we passed a red cloth thing lying on the tile floor. Realizing that it looked like a money bag, I turned around and retrieved it.

Sure enough, it was a Coca-Cola money bag with about $40 in $1 bills.

We found a couple of mall employees nearby and they radioed for a mall cop to come and retrieve the bag. It took him awhile to reach us because their Segway isn’t running. Really.

We speculated that it was the take from a vending machine down by the Target store and the Coke guy dropped it on his way to another location in the mall.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         The other highlight of the mall visit was the discovery of these stunningly goofy UGG Australia Women’s “Classic Sparkles” boots, on sale at Dillard’s for a mere $170.

Looks like something Dorothy would wear if the Wizard of Oz were staged in Alaska. As silly as they look to me, I’ll bet Dillard’s sells every pair they have.

1 comment:

  1. I commend you for doing the right thing and turning over the money bag and its contents to the authorities. Some people might say that $40 isn’t a lot, but it’s not the amount that’s important, but the principle of what you did. That money bag is quite cool though, since it’s got the drink’s brand logo on it. It could even become a valuable collectible in the future!
