Saturday, June 18, 2011

How to become a famous “well educated” idiot in less than a week

Meet Hermon Raju, a 20-something woman who blew up when a conductor on the Metro North rail line asked her to stop audibly cursing on her cell phone.raju

Raju, who attended plain old New York University, goes on at length about how well educated she is and the prestigious(?) schools she’s attended.

The result: Google her name and you’ll see more than 21,000 items containing her name posted in the past four days. None of them are complementary.

People who claim to know her say she’s an insufferable arrogant twit who is generally disliked at NYU and elsewhere.

And, based on this performance, I don’t like her either.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, the whole thing has to be a set up. She has no job and only goes to NYU schools, so she must have needed the "fame". She has a marketing & PR background; plus, someone who lives with their parents and has no job could possibly (for real) be that arrogant and self-satisfied...or maybe she really is like that 24/7...
