Tuesday, June 21, 2011

First-rate hometown journalism


We’ve been following the Monument Fire south of Sierra Vista, Ariz. closely for the past 10 days, largely through the online presence of the Sierra Vista Herald.

As a guy who’s been associated with newspapers all of his adult life, I know good work when I see it and the Herald staff of writers, photographers and editors have done their community a huge service through their persistence and hard work on this story of vital importance.

Their home page at svherald.com and their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Sierra-Vista-Herald/105994446122855 kept residents and those of us far away informed about the heroic fire fighting effort to save lives and property.

I know journalism awards are the farthest thing from the minds of the Herald staff as they do their work through this crisis, but surely they’ve earned an honored place in Arizona journalism.

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