Thursday, May 26, 2011

Storm report


We survived yesterday afternoon’s outbreak of tornados, but folks around here are still pretty freaked out about the weather this spring.

I was able to track the advance of the storm cells with the Discovery Channel Real Time Weather Tracker site and monitor the locations and transmissions of several of their linked stormchasers.

When confirmed reports started coming in about a tornado on the ground, heading northeast toward Jonesboro from Newport, I decided it was time to take friend Susan up on her invitation to shelter in her basement. I gathered up the dogs and stuffed them into my two-seat Honda del Sol and made the 15-minute drive to Susan’s house where we watched the local TV meteorologists track a tornado churning away about three miles north of us.

It was all over in less than an hour and the dogs and I were home by 6:15 p.m., driving back in bright sunshine. There was, of course, no damage to our property or neighborhood.

The bad weather has moved on to the east and our extended forecast has a 20% or less chance of rain for the next six days.

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