Saturday, May 21, 2011

Propane and dogs


We went to a farm auction up near the Greene County line this afternoon with our friend Susan.

I didn’t plan to buy anything, but she bought a couple of propane tanks, one of which she let us have for her cost of $27.50. Checking the home improvement store prices, I see that we got a pretty good deal since they cost about $50 new. And this one still has some propane in it.

It will come in handy as a spare and eliminate situations like I experienced last week when the grill ran out of gas about a minute before I flopped a big steak onto it. I had to disconnect the tank, throw it into the del Sol and dash down to the Citgo station where I had to show a clerk there how to sell me a full tank of propane. Now, we’ll always have a tank in reserve.

Here are a couple of “found dog” posters from the Brookland Post Office public bulletin board.



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