Monday, May 09, 2011

Monday morning stuff

I drove in to town this morning with Maria to retrieve my Honda del Sol from OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         the Sun parking lot.

It spent the weekend there because it would have been pointless for her to drive home from work to pick me up before we headed south again to the APME conference in Conway.

BTW, Maria was elected vice president of the Arkansas Associated Press Managing Editors at the Saturday board meeting. And, yes, I am very proud of her.

The Honda was running on fumes, so I took it to the Kroger gas station where I was able to fill the tank at $3.68/gallon with my Kroger shopper discount. It’s hard to believe that $3.68/gallon is a good deal, but compared with other stations around here, it’s a helluva good deal.

I also took the top off of the car and stowed it in its rack in the trunk for the drive home.

Honeysuckle is in bloom here and the aroma is absolutely intoxicating.

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