Saturday, April 09, 2011

Sunny Spring Saturday morning


It’s a breezy, sunny 74 degrees here at our house in the woods and I’m sipping mocha cappuccino on our screened back porch, listening to a blue jay calling from somewhere deep in the oak and hickory forest.

The Kwanza cherry trees are filling with pink blossoms and the SSW wind carries the sound of traffic on nearby U.S. 49 and my neighbor’s lawnmower. Pete the Aussie has finished his breakfast and is lying at my feet. It’s a toss-up as to whether he’s guarding me or, given his timid nature, I’m protecting him.

I’m wearing my Ted Simon – Jupiter’s Travels t-shirt, personally autographed by my friend Ted at the 1995 BMWMOA rally in Durango, Colo.

Although it’s a little windy for my taste, this is the warm full-of-promise spring morning we’ve longed for all winter.

I Windexed our glass topped patio table last evening when we were preparing to eat dinner on the porch. I had to repeat the exercise this morning because it was coated with a thin layer of yellow-green tree pollen. No wonder my allergies are making my eyes itchy under my contact lenses.

April in northeast Arkansas feels like May in Indiana and I feel a little sorry for our Hoosier friends who have to wait a month for days like this. Checking the Weather Channel web site, I see a cold (51F) rain is falling as a thunderstorm sweeps over Thorntown.

Now, I think I’ll throw a leg over the K75S and ride down to the post office to pick up the mail.

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