Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sun Senior Classic 2011

senior classic 02senior classic 01

The Sun’s annual Senior Classic was Sunday afternoon at Valley View High School. It’s a charity event that raises money for the Newspapers In Education program.

I volunteer as a back-up photographer and Maria does whatever is needed.

One of our tasks was the hanging of a couple of big Sun banners. We used zip ties to secure the larger banner to cables at one end of the gym. The other was not so easy. We finally managed to poke zip ties through tiny gaps in the wooden trim of what I suppose is a press box at the top of the bleachers and in a spot where the TV camera would see it as the players ran up and down the court.

We were pretty proud of our ingenuity until we noticed these folks who completely negated our effort.

sun banner

It made a good back rest.

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