Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Not mowing today

It’s a sunny 63 degrees and our lawn wants desperately to be mowed.

The first dandelions have gone from brilliant yellow to white spheres of seed and there are foot-tall sprouts of wild onions all over the place.

The John Deere LA125 mower is serviced, gassed and ready to roll, but there is no way I’m going to mow this afternoon.


Because there is a strong wind out of the SSW at 20 mph, gusting to 40 mph and the trees are full of broken limbs left over from the January 2009 ice storm. Many of them are hanging by a thread and several are big enough to injure or kill if they hit someone in the head.

A lethally big limb came crashing down just short of our chain link backyard fence a week or so ago and a small branch speared into the ground last weekend as we dined on the screened back porch with Maria’s parents.

I realize the odds of being hit are pretty slim, but why tempt fate? We’re at the end of a cul-de-sac and our yard can be seen from only three neighboring homes, so the mower will sit in the garage until we get a windless day.