Thursday, April 14, 2011

I think Rush may be holding back…

Rush Limbaugh blasted President Barack Obama on Thursday, calling him a “vindictive little guy” and saying there was “nothing presidential” about his budget speech.
Limbaugh said he was offended that Obama had invited GOP Rep. Rush Limbaugh, Barack ObamaPaul Ryan, who has offered his own budget plan, and other Republicans to sit in the front row at Wednesday’s address, “and then he proceeds to insult them.”
“It was a disgusting display. It was in no way presidential,” Limbaugh said on his talk show Thursday.
He said the incident revealed Obama’s real character.
“He’s not this cool, calm collected guy,” Limbaugh said. “Obama’s not a good guy. He’s a mean, vindictive little guy. He’s very cold.”
He also accused Obama of pandering to liberal supporters as part of his re-election strategy.
“His base is made up of people even more vile than he is,” Limbaugh said. “A lot of it is just walking human debris on the Democrat base side and they’ve got to be stoked.”

Read more on Rush: Obama a 'Vindictive Little Guy'

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