Monday, April 04, 2011

Here and gone

gene&sandra leaving

Maria’s parents, Gene and Sandra, rolled out about 7:45 a.m. today, a few minutes ahead of the rain, on their seven-hour drive home to Indiana.

I think they enjoyed their visit, which included a road trip to Marshall’s Dry Goods in Batesville, the St. Bernards Threads of Life Quilt Show, a bunch of flea markets, the Crowley’s Ridge Nature Center, and dinner last evening with our friend Susan. Sandra’s mobility and stamina are much improved since her knee surgery last year and Maria had a hard time keeping up with her.

The temperature was a balmy 72 degrees when they left. By the time we got around to going in to town this afternoon, the cold front had arrived and the mercury was at 48 and continuing its downward slide, heading for an overnight low in the mid-30s.

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