Monday, April 25, 2011

Free cookies. Yum!


Today’s mail brought a package of Newtons Fruit Thins for me to review for the Vine program.

Here are my impressions:

The label says one serving is 3 cookies, totaling 140 calories, but I'll bet you can't stop at three.
I'm not sure what I expected, but the flavor is delightful. To my palate, the orangey and oaty flavors dominate and the cranberries whisper to me as an aftertaste.
The packaging, with its plastic inner tray and metal tab closures assures that the cookies (or should I call them Newtons?) stay fresh and intact. There are 30 (10 servings) to a package, which works out to 22.75 cents per cookie, a little pricey.
Nevertheless, they're a fun alternative to other snacks and well worth a try.

So there.

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