Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shearing time for Ruthie


Ruthie is at the Petco beauty shop getting “the works.”iams-dog-food-weight-control-formul951

Now that the weather is warming and it’s almost spring, it’s time for her annual shearing. I dropped her off at 11:30 a.m. and expect to retrieve her around 4 p.m.

In the meantime, I picked up a 40 pound bag of IAMS Weight Control dog food. We seriously overfed both dogs over the winter. It’s particularly noticeable in Pete’s loss of agility and his obvious girth. I’m curious to see if Ruthie shows any weight gain after her winter coat is off.



Five hours later, after two baths (they couldn’t get the shears through her fur without bathing her twice), a shearing, and nail trim – all for $76 – Ruthie is a changed dog. She even smells nice, which is very puzzling to Pete.

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