Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dixie’s just down the road


I rode over to Cardwell, Mo. yesterday afternoon for a six-pack of Samuel Adams Cream Stout and a bottle of Bacardi Gold rum. I didn’t know that’s what I was going to buy. I like to browse and surprise myself.

And I took a roundabout route, Pine Log Road east to the Brookland “business route” of U.S. 46, then Ark. 220 to Dixie (see photo above), then Ark. 135 north OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         to U.S. 412 at the east edge of Paragould, and on east to Mr. T’s Riverside just across the St. Francis River (and state line) in Missouri.

In case you’re wondering about Dixie, it’s nothing more than a crossroads out in the Mississippi Delta. Just a couple of houses, nothing you’d recognize as a town, but they get to pretend they’re a place with a name.

Yesterday was mostly overcast with a high around 65. Today is a different story, being the first day of spring and all. It’s sunny and already 70 degrees by 11:30 a.m. and I’m going to have to try hard to think up a valid excuse not to do some yardwork today.

The grass is getting long but I need to hitch up the wagon and do a sweep of the yard picking up fallen limbs and sticks before I can mow.

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