Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An amazingly simple fix

If you’re a longtime reader of this blog, you may recall the hassles I went through last year to get XM Navweather working on my Garmin Zumo 550 GPS.

I spent what felt like hours on the phone with SiriusXM Third World customer service reps, trying to activate this additional feature. The big problem seemed to garmin-zumo-450-966be that they had no clue how the Zumo 550 works and exactly what buttons to push on their end to achieve the result I desired.

So you can understand why my heart sank last week when, on my ride to Memphis and back, I discovered that the Navweather feature had quit working.

I dreaded having to call SiriusXM and wade through that technical morass again.

So I decided my first move should be to take a look at zumoforums.com and see if anyone else had this problem and solved it.

Sure enough, several Zumo 550 users reported their Navweather crapped out over the last couple of months.

And most of them discovered that when they hooked the unit up to their computer and got into its files, they fixed the problem easily by deleting the three .wxd files in the WX folder.

I did the same thing and got the same good results. Everything is working like it should .

O, frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!

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