Thursday, February 17, 2011

Time to get out of Dodge

jim in bahrain
We’re paying more attention to developments in Bahrain this week than we normally would because we have a friend there.
Jim Shillings has been there since Jan. 30 on his first overseas assignment for his company. He was scheduled to fly home on Saturday, but Facebooked yesterday that they’re sending him home a day early because of civil unrest.
Things got uglier last night when the police used tear gas, clubs and rubber bullets to break up a growing anti-government protest. Depending on who you listen to, somewhere between two and five people were killed and hundreds were injured in the melee in Manama, the capital city.
We’ll all breathe easier when we hear he’s out of there.


Jim's wife Lauri posted this afternoon to Facebook:
Jim is on the plane! He should be in Germany by 11 pm our time. Then Dulles by early evening tomorrow- with a jumper back to Indy by 7 pm. Yay!

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