Friday, December 03, 2010

Luger lore


I got a call from my Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity brother Oz Morgan in Indiana this afternoon who has a buddy who inherited a Luger and wanted to know whatever I could tell him about it.

I got out my Luger for reference and gave him a guided tour of the waffenamt markings, confirmed that all of the serial numbers on the parts match (including the magazine), walked him through the use of the loading tool and warned him against using any of the WWII vintage 9mm Parabellum ammo that came with it.

The holster was marked for a P38, so it wasn’t original to the gun, but it was still a genuine Wehrmacht issue holster.

I also referred him to Pistole Parabellum for reference information.

I kinda surprised myself with how much I know about these things, especially since I haven’t fired mine in more than a decade.

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