Thursday, December 30, 2010

It may be my last ride of the year

Sometimes you don’t need much of an excuse to go for a motorcycle ride.

Today is was a combination of no rain, a temperature in the upper 50s, a need to pick up the mail and buy a new pair of bootlaces, a need to put some juice back into the K75S battery and a desire to remember a BMW motorcycle friend whose funeral is today.

Even though it’s shirtsleeve weather for walking around, 59 degrees can still be chilly on a bike. Sometimes I under-dress for weather like this, but I got it right today: turtleneck, windstopper pullover, BMW Savanna jacket, BMW summer pants and street boots and gauntleted Olympia Kevlar gloves.

It was also my first chance to try out the Wiley X Jake sunglasses some guy left in Charlie’s store more than a year ago. They had prescription lenses, which I replaced for $18 with bronze blue-blocker-type lenses. They also have a foam rubber gasket that keeps the breezes off of the wearer’s eyes. I augmented them with a pair of stick-on 2X bifocal patches. I was pleased to find that, unlike most other sunglasses, they slip right on and off under my Arai fullface helmet.

The Wileys worked splendidly and I’m looking forward to many miles behind them in 2011 and beyond.

Nothing particularly exciting in the mail except for the 2010 filing edition of H&R Block At Home tax software. I thought about buying a copy yesterday when I was in Office Max, but this is easier – just load it and pay for it online.

I left some money on the table when I filed our 2009 return – forgot some interest that might have gotten us another $100 or so on our refund. I’ll not make that mistake again.

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