Monday, December 27, 2010

Gone too soon

john mohringer ultralight

We were stunned this morning to learn that longtime BMW friend John Mohringer died yesterday.

John was a good friend and a solid member of the Indianapolis BMW Club. He consistently rode 10,000 or more miles a year and won the club’s high mileage award for 1999 with 22,945 BMW miles ridden that year.

Besides being an avid motorcyclist, John was an ultralight aircraft pilot. We exchanged waves many times when he flew over our house in Thorntown, Ind. I stole this picture of him cruising above his native Boone County from his Facebook profile.

John had been in poor health and had undergone surgery recently. He packed a lot of joyful living into his 57 years, but he deserved more.

1 comment:

  1. John was easily the finest friend anyone could ever have. We rode our bikes, partnered in a business, and shot trap and skeet. I've missed him since I moved to El Paso, TX six years ago. Now, I'll think of him and miss him the rest of my life.
