Thursday, November 18, 2010

Somewhere there’s a pet without a rabies tag

The sun just broke through for the first time today at 12:50 p.m., but the weather satellite view suggests it’s not going to last long.

I had fleeting thoughts of suiting up and riding my bike over to Memphis today to the Bagel Company of Memphis to stock up on bagels, but it’s a bit on the chilly side. The temperature stands at 52 degrees and it looks like that’s as warm as it’s going to get today.

Tomorrow’s out because the pest control guy is coming for our annual inspection and Saturday’s out because it’s a Jewish business and they’re closed on Saturdays. Sunday’s forecast is for sunshine and a high of 71, so that may be the OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         answer.

This is another slow day. I’m hanging out with the dogs and just finished a lunch of leftover ham loaf.

Nothing interesting in today’s snail mail and the only thing that caught my eye on the post office community bulletin board was this rabies vaccination tag that some hapless dog or cat apparently lost. Should be easy to trace since it has the vet’s name and phone number and a serial number.

We got enough rain over the last couple of days to lift the burn ban for the county, so I can load up our patio fireplace and drag the latest crop of fallen branches into the fire pit for burning over the weekend.

The annual Association Motorcycle Club/ABATE Toy Run for needy children is Saturday afternoon. I rode Maria’s bike last year, but it’s still up at Grass Roots BMW in Cape Girardeau, so my K1200GT gets to participate this year. I’ve invited Maria to come along, but she doesn’t seem very enthusiastic about it. She has a lot of quilting to do before Christmas, so she has a good excuse.

Canadian blogger friend Lovisa Loiselle put a link to this blog, Hyperbole and a cartoonbannerHalf, on her Facebook page and I like it so much I’ve put a link to it on mine.

Lovisa is a good judge of cartoon art, since she does the drawing for the Urban Blah. Allie, who does the Hyperbole blog, has a drawing style all her own, albeit reminiscent of Ralph Steadman. The illustrated story of their move from Montana to Bend, Ore. with two bizarre dogs is outrageously funny.

1 comment:

  1. I (and the boyfriend) have been a fan of Hyperbole for quite awhile now, and I think it's great for you to offer her kudos like this with your link. She rocks! And so do you. : )
