Sunday, November 28, 2010

Boscos mug day

 boscos bar Yesterday was new beer mug day at Boscos in Memphis, so off we went with Charlie and Deb.boscos charlie

Charlie became a mug holder a year ago. For a modest fee, you get your own personal numbered beer mug that stays at the bar – in numbered rows on shelves above the bar. When you visit and order beer, it comes in your mug and in a greater quantity than the mere mortals get with their glass of beer. At the end of the year (yesterday), the mugs get retired and you can take yours home and get a new one with a new design for the new year.

I decided I’d like to join that beer fraternity and I supposed I could buy a mug at yesterday’s event. I was wrong. I missed my chance by a week or more and discovered the available mugs were all snapped up in a period of 20 minutes. So it goes.

I had a couple of glasses of Midtown Brown and a splendid Reuben sandwich, so it was a good day.

boscos mugs

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