Thursday, October 07, 2010

Thursday morning stuff


I’m having my second cup of “Meaning of Life,” an alternative to the house blend of coffee at Seattle Grind. Some days, I think they should call it Meaningless Life and see if anyone notices.

I’m wearing my mildly politically incorrect Mississippi BMW Riders “BMW Vintage Tour” t-shirt that features a WWII BMW R12 with a list of locations visited (or conquered) by the Wehrmacht. I regret wearing it today, but not because I worry about offending anyone. Most people don’t look closely enough or have enough historical knowledge to grasp its significance. No, I regret wearing it because it has shrunk and fits me like a sausage casing. Hence the jacket.

We threw about $800 at the Subaru Forester today for repairs to axles, wheel bearings and other front end components that failed Tuesday. Fortunately, Maria was just a few blocks from the place where we have our Subaru work done, there being no Subaru dealership closer than Memphis, so she was able to limp in and call me to rescue her.

While the repairs are a budget buster, they’re less than we paid to fix Ruthie’s knee last month, and I’m just glad the front end failure didn’t:

  • Cause Maria to veer into oncoming traffic
  • Happen while Maria and Morgan had the car in Indiana last month
  • Happen while I was driving Morgan to the airport in Little Rock last month

brent wheat We were pleasantly surprised to see our old friend Brent Wheat’s face on the Street Smarts segment of S.W.A.T. Magazine TV on the Outdoor Channel last night.

Brent’s a career police officer in Lebanon, Ind., an increasingly well-known outdoor writer and apparently now a TV self-protection gun guy. We got to know him when we were newspaper people in Indianapolis, Lebanon and Crawfordsville when he was the Lebanon Police Department public information officer and came to appreciate his sense of humor and insightful writing.

Good work, Brent! You’re one more reason to keep watching the Outdoor Channel.

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