Friday, October 29, 2010

Hanging with Blanche and Mike

I photographed the VIP open house at the new Nordex wind turbine plant here this morning.blanche

The place is impressive and immaculate, like a barracks ready for inspection. There were only a few of the 28 production workers there, so the photo opportunities to shoot people actually doing something were pretty sparse.

Among the guests were Gov. Mike Beebe and Sen. Blanche Lincoln.

Even though she’s a Democrat and helped further President Obama’s agenda, I can’t help but like Blanche. I think she’s a good person who has worked hard to bring federal dollars and projects to Arkansas and has done this state a lot of blanche02 good. She’s putting on a brave face and exudes a restrained optimism about next Tuesday’s election when she will almost surely be trounced by Republican John Boozman.

While she’s outwardly calm and focused, I noticed she fidgets with her left hand behind her back while listening to Nordex officials explaining their operation.

There’s nothing phony about her. I like that in a public official, regardless of their party affiliation. Mike Beebe has the same quality.

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