Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Red Gold ketchup at Slim Chickens


Maria and I had lunch today at the new Slim Chickens restaurant on Stadium Boulevard.

I had the Chick’s Plate (3 tenders, one dipping sauce (I had Blue Cheese), and Texas toast for $4.99. It was good and we’ll be back.

But the first thing Maria noticed as we stood in the briskly moving line was that they have Red Gold tomato ketchup. Red Gold, as you may or may not know, is made in our home state of Indiana and, in our judgment, is the best ketchup in the world. Unfortunately, the local Kroger does not carry Red Gold ketchup. So whenever we travel to Indiana or have guests from Indiana, we make sure a resupply of Red Gold ketchup is part of the deal.

We like it mainly for the flavor and the Hoosier connection. For me, the added benefit is that it’s not Heinz. Ever since it came to light that John Kerry married into the Heinz fortune, I have banned all Heinz products from our house. All of them.

1 comment:

  1. you could save a lot of time by buying the store brand of Kroger ketchup. it's made by Red Gold, and is exactly the same recipe.

    it seems a little sad and sophomoric that you would ban the #1 brand of ketchup (which I don't buy, because I prefer the taste of Red Gold) in the world because you don't like the person they are married to.

    in case you didn't know, Theresa Heinz Kerry has absolutely nothing to do with the company whatsoever, and only shares the name with it.
