Monday, September 06, 2010

BMW Motorcycle Rally Pin of the Day

This is the rally pin from the 1986 BMW MOA rally in at Laguna Seca Raceway near Monterey, Calif.

This was my first BMW MOA rally and my first cross-country motorcycle trip. I rode my 1981 BMW R100RS in the company of Tim and Linda Balough. It was a liberating and life-altering experience and I’ve never been the same since.

I have only spotty recollections of my life in the decade before that ride. It’s almost like I was sleep-walking. Everything since stands out in clear relief.


  1. That was one great rally. And the adventures on the trip are memorable!

  2. Yep. Thanks for helping me jump start my life.

  3. I was unknown about any such rally before your post.
    Thanks. Your post became really helpful for me to know about certain information about the great BMW's rally.
