Wednesday, August 04, 2010


seancard01 seancard02

I had the pleasure of sitting in on a meeting between my son Sean and one of his recording clients while I was visiting last month.

The client came to him with a dozen or so songs about the parent/child experience – stuff like sharing and tantrums – that were catchy and clever, but all he had was the basic melodic structure and some thoughts about how they might sound.

Sean helped him flesh them out into a product that is more densely packed with great musical ideas than any album I’ve ever heard.

Sean brings an astounding level of creativity and good musical taste to these collaborative efforts while respecting the integrity of the original concept and the unique personalities of the artists. I’m sure he would be embarrassed and maybe a little disturbed to be called a genius, but that’s the only name I can come up with for this kind of brilliance.

Here’s his business card (front and back).

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