Wednesday, August 18, 2010

No wonder the Pope wouldn’t be photographed with her

If we needed any more evidence that Nancy Pelosi is batshit crazy and has a grotesquely inflated notion of her importance, we have her statement Pelosi-Queen this week that there should be a government investigation into the organized opposition to the proposed mosque near Ground Zero in New York City.

She says the opposition poses a “distraction” and that some organized force is behind it.

A distraction from what? Democrat lies about Obamacare and cap and tax?

And yes, Nancy, there is an organized force behind the opposition. It’s called the American People. A Rasmussen poll on July 22 found that 54 percent of us are against a mosque being established so close to the place where Islamic fundamentalists slaughtered more than 2,600 innocent people. Rasmussen released a poll the next day that showed 58 percent of New Yorkers oppose the Ground Zero mosque.

How about an investigation into foreign funding sources for the mosque project?

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