Friday, August 06, 2010

Can’t see, dammit!

My blogging has been less than prolific this week, partly because I don’t have much to say and mainly because I can’t see worth a damn.

The episode of conjunctivitis I had in my right eye over the weekend forced me to put my contact lenses aside and use the glasses that make computer use a real challenge.

They’re graduated multi-focals and force my head into a really uncomfortable position to see the computer monitor through the very bottom of the lenses. They’re only slightly better with the netbook. I can hardly wait to get back to my contacts and reading glasses so I can see stuff properly.

The guys at Grass Roots BMW called this morning to say my new right combination switch is in and to schedule time on the 19th to replace the faulty one they installed in early July. I’m hopeful that the heat wave will break by then and I won’t have to make the trip in 100+ degree weather.

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