Sunday, July 25, 2010

Viva Las Vegas


LAS VEGAS – I rolled out of the motel parking lot a little after 7 a.m. in gray chilly weather, but was soon in bright sunlight as I rode east and up the mountainside toward U.S. 101.

I gassed on the east side of Paso Robles, but forgot to get the receipt and record my mileage, so I have to reconstruct it for my travel log. I remember the gas was $3.29/gallon and I was able to get the mileage reading since I reset my trip meter at every fill-up. Now all I have to do is wait for the charge to clear on my online bank site and I can calculate the amount of gas.

I stopped to shed my windstopper pullover somewhere between Paso Robles and I-5, paused at the Lost Hills exit for a McDonald’s parfait and coffee, bought 1.5 liters of Smart Water (water + electrolytes) for my Camelbak, and headed on down the road.

I gassed again at a no-name gas station in downtown Tehachapi that had the filthiest restroom I’ve seen in years. I thought about photographing the toilet, but this blog has to have some standards.

Once over the pass, I was into serious heat. I gassed again at Barstow and rode back into the oven that is I-15 at this time of year. The weather

steve lisa fremont

feature of my Garmin Zumo 550 told me it was 106 when I finally reached Las Vegas. Garmin directed me to Steve and Nicky’s house and I rang the doorbell just as Maria called on my cell phone. Lisa opened the door and my day’s ride was over.

After several glasses of iced tea and some chips and salsa, I took a shower and about an hour’s nap.

Nicky drove Lisa and me down to the Fremont Street Experience where Steve was playing for an Elvis impersonator contest.

Here’s a shot of him and Lisa during a break in the action.


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