Tuesday, July 06, 2010

On blogging and fresh content

 johnsimpson Don’t you hate it when you find a blog you really really like – written by someone who has an interesting style and sounds like someone you’d enjoy knowing – and they stop blogging? Or they go for days or weeks or  even months without posting anything?

That’s why I make a serious effort to post something, no matter how lame, every day. You can’t expect anyone to follow you if you don’t come up with fresh content. My wife thinks I’m too preoccupied with the blog and worries that I’ll share something embarrassing. She also thinks it’s a waste of time and that I should get a job. Yeah, she’s probably right, but I rather enjoy being retired. I’ve been invited to post at “Lauri’s Mad Meanderings,” but I haven’t thought of anything suitable for that venue.

I really enjoy Kate at “Electric Venom” and Jen at “Demure Thoughts,” but it looks like they’ve gone on summer vacation.

I booted several sites off of my links list this afternoon. Some were dumped because they don’t post often enough, some because I just don’t find them that interesting anymore. I also added some that I found recently, mostly through links at “Fetch My Flying Monkeys.” One of my new faves is Joan of Argghh! at “Primordial Slack,” but there are others too like “Coalition of the Swilling,” “It’s a Security Light,” “Conservatives Who Say Fuck,” and “Sheri Gilmour.” Most of them are written by women. I don’t know what that means but I’m not going to worry about it.

I’m about to embark on a motorcycle journey of several thousand miles and it will result in my favorite kind of blogging – travel blogging. I’m taking my little 9” Dell netbook, a point-and-shoot camera and card reader and will add to the blog as often as possible. I like to think I have people following along with me. It’s also a chance to focus on having fun, interesting experiences and to stop thinking about how malignant imbeciles (I love that term – it’s from Mark Twain) are destroying the country.

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