Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Not my shirt. Today, anyway.

piss&moan I don’t remember this guy’s name. I shot the photo at the 2008 BMW MOA International Rally in Gillette, Wyo. because I liked his t-shirt.

A lot of my readers probably think I need one of those shirts, since I spend a lot of time here venting about people and things I don’t like, or that piss me off.

But today is one of those days where things seem to be going my way, mostly, and I’m in an uncommonly good mood.

Even though the battery of my del Sol was flat this morning because the headlights got left on a couple of nights ago when I replaced a tail light bulb. The upside of that was that my neighbor is on vacation and was available to bring his truck over to give me a jump start.inearmonitors

And there was a rent check in our post office box. Yes, it was late and included neither the late fee for last month’s late rent check nor the late fee for this month. But at least it showed up and I’ve already put it into the bank so we can make the mortgage payment on the Indiana house.

And to my utter delight and amazement, my freshly repaired in-ear monitors arrived in today’s mail. I fired them off to Miami audiologist Marilyn Navia last Thursday afternoon and here they are in my mailbox on the following Tuesday morning. They went to her with next-day delivery, so she got them sometime before noon on Friday. She must have dropped everything and repaired them immediately, to get them into the mail on Saturday. I told her I need them by this weekend since that’s when I leave for the West. Now that’s superb customer service. She even put them into a new case before she shipped them back.

I will, of course, stop by her booth at the BMW MOA rally in Redmond, Ore. next week to thank her personally.

And I had an emailed coupon for a free haircut at SportClips for my birthday. Maria has been prodding me to get a haircut, so it showed up just in time.

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