Thursday, July 08, 2010

Morning ride

I got up at 5:45 a.m. and rolled out at 6:10 to make my 9 a.m. appointment to get a new starter/combination switch put on my bike.

But minutes after I arrived at Grass Roots BMW Motorcycles at Cape Girardeau, Mo., we discovered that the part had not arrived from BMW. It’s due in tomorrow, according to the shipping info they got this morning.

So I saddled up and rode another 148 miles back home.

I knew this was going to happen. All day yesterday I thought about calling them to confirm the part was there. I checked voicemail and email before I left this morning to see if there was a message about the part not being there. I guess I should have trusted my intuition.

Consequently, I’m doing the errands this afternoon that I expected to do tomorrow.

The current arrangement is that they will call me as soon as the part arrives tomorrow and I will haul ass up to Cape Girardeau to have it installed.

I rolled into the garage at home at 12:14 p.m. – a little more than six hours after I left.

Fortunately, I got home before it got seriously hot.

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