Tuesday, July 20, 2010



I’m having a mocha at the Blend Coffeehouse and Cafe while Sean takes care of some business this morning.

The mocha looks beautiful, but tastes a little thin and Ovaltine-like. I guess everyone has their take on how to make a mocha.

We’re mostly just hanging out today without a specific agenda other than keeping an eye out for the UPS guy and my bifocal sunglasses.

We had a delightful dinner last night at Miss Delta, a spinoff from the popular Delta Cafe. The cuisine is Cajun and the jambalaya was excellent, washed down with a 40 ounce bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon presented nicely in an ice bucket.

I got my laundry done yesterday, so I can pack and load the bike tonight to be ready for an early morning departure for California tomorrow.

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