Thursday, July 01, 2010

Good news, puzzling XM evidence

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Miami Audiologist Marilyn Navia returned my call yesterday afternoon to say, yes, she can repair my in-ear monitors and get them back to me by July 10. So I packed them up and will take them to the post office shortly to rush them to Marilyn.

On the XM NavWeather issue, I’ve discovered I’m not the only one who noticed the mysterious appearance of XM NavWeather on his Garmin Zumo in early June.

I posted a summary of my ongoing effort to get the feature back on the BMWMOA online forum and two other BMW riders reported XM NavWeather showed up on their Zumo 550s for a couple of weeks last month. So I was apparently right in guessing it was a teaser. They, however, were smart enough not to actually try to subscribe to the feature.

A couple of other commentors opined that XM has a hard time getting anything right. I’m beginning to agree.

They can make XM NavWeather appear on my Zumo when I don’t ask for it, but can’t make it appear when I pay for it.

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