Sunday, July 04, 2010

Frank’s back this evening


This is Frank. He technically belongs to our neighbor to the west, but the neighbor doesn’t claim him. In fact, the neighbor’s son-in-law has a shoot-on-sight policy in force at his house because Frank killed a couple of his chickens sometime back.

Frank hangs out with Zeb, a big friendly black Lab. The neighbor kinda claims Zeb, but doesn’t seem all that concerned when he goes walkabout with Frank for days at a time.

Frank is friendly and smart. The other evening, Maria and I came home from a drive and found Frank in our driveway. I parked, opened the door and greeted Frank, whereupon he hopped into the car and looked around as if he expected us to take him somewhere. He also followed us into the garage, where Maria put out some IAMS dog food for him.

He’s back this evening. I noticed Zeb loping along a couple of houses away just before Frank appeared. He has developed a nasty cough, but seems ok otherwise. We gave him some more food and a pan of water. I got him to pose simply by saying “sit” and “stay.” When I was ready to come into the house, I told him to go home and waved him off, and damned if he didn’t turn and walk away.

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