Friday, July 16, 2010



My new Garmin cradle and power cable showed up a little before noon.

I tried the new cable with the old cradle first without success. So I tried the new cable with the new cradle and voila! my Zumo 550 could get power from the bike. O, frabjous day! Calloo! Callay! What a relief to have GPS and XM radio back.

(Although, truth be told, it’s been kinda nice to be disconnected from the news and political craziness for four days.)


Here’s a stitched-together panorama of the main vendor street. The vendor exhibition hall is to the left, the BMW MOA Country Store, Cyber Cafe and charging station are on the right.

1 comment:

  1. As much as I like XM and GPS in the car, nix for the bike, it spoils the Zen. Did a cassette player a few times back in the 80's, but never felt like I needed to do it again.
