Thursday, June 03, 2010

Random notes

Facebook friend and former compadre at Revard BMW Motorcycles Randy Miller suggested I write a review of the Palo Verde Inn & Suites in Tucson on So I did. With pictures of the bloodstained bathroom wall, the cigarette burns in the blanket and the smoke detector dangling from its wires.

I haven’t confronted the people at Magic Touch Cleaners yet about losing my suit pants and substituting someone else’s. I just haven’t been in the mood for blank slack-jawed stares and lame excuses. Maybe this afternoon. Maybe tomorrow.

And my son Steve, his wife Nicky and their daughter Lisa lost their dog Frank this week.

Steve’s comments: “Seizure, impairment, x-rays... rife with cancer... Nicky got him fully grown from a shelter a couple of years before we met and we've been married 9+ years. Best dog ever.”

Frank was a good dog with character and dignity. Although it’s been more than three years since I saw him last, I remember him well and am saddened by his death.

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