Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pure insanity

Is it just me, or is this pure insanity?

I first thought it was a joke, but after going to their web site I realized they are actually advocating iPad use while driving. And they are so proud that it’s much safer than trying to text and email with your Blackberry.

Check this testimonial from the idiotic Steve Holland of Seattle:

firefoxI don't think that I am exaggerating when I say that the iPad Steering Wheel Mount probably has saved my life. Before I bought the mount, I was always trying to text and read E-Mail on my Blackberry while driving on my daily commute in Seattle. Just south of the I-5 / I-90 intersection, traffic slows down very abruptly and I cannot tell you how many times I was finishing up an E-Mail on the Blackberry and almost rear-ended an SUV. Now when I am using my iPad on my steering wheel, I can keep my eyes right on the traffic at all times. I feel so much safer. Keep up the good work.

I’m glad he feels so much safer. I sure as hell don’t. As a motorcyclist, I’m already especially vulnerable to the consequences of distracted driving. So the idea of sharing the road with self-indulgent shitheads like Steve Holland who think they can safely text and email from an iPad on their steering wheel absolutely horrifies me.

Apparently these people haven’t noticed that texting while driving is already illegal in at least 23 states and the District of Columbia and the laws generally make no distinction about what kind of device the driver is using. I’d love to be there the first time Holland gets stopped for a traffic infraction and the cop sees an iPad on his steering wheel. Or when he gets a facefull of iPad when his airbag deploys.

1 comment:

  1. All I have to say is: More vehicular manslaughter chargers will be forthcoming....
