Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Predicting, not voting today

Since I voted in the Republican primary three weeks ago, I’m excluded from casting a ballot in today’s Democrat contest between Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Bill Halter for their party’s nomination for U.S. Senate.

If I could vote, I’d vote for Blanche because I detest Halter and his SEIU thug backers.

But I can’t, so I’ll be content to make a prediction.

Halter will win because he has thrown so much union money into the race and because he keeps making the argument that if you keep sending the same people to Washington, you can’t expect different results.

And he will doubtless use that argument in the fall against Republican John Boozman. Boozman is a five-term Congressman. Whether the voters put any stock into that line of reasoning remains to be seen, but the fact remains that whatever qualities the voters didn’t like in Lincoln are even stronger in Halter. He is deeply in the pocket of the radical Left and I suspect most motivated Arkansas voters think the Left has to be stopped.

So I predict Halter will win today, but lose in November to Boozman. And it makes me happy to think of all that SEIU money effort going up in smoke.

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