Thursday, June 10, 2010

The albatross around my neck: our house in Indiana

Our tenant is now 10 days late on his June rent.

He told Maria last Friday that he mailed the check that day.

Maria contacted him today and he said he had entrusted it to his daughters to mail and found out yesterday that they hadn’t mailed it. So he mailed it yesterday, he says.

He mentioned that he’s painting a condo for someone this week and Maria asked if he got laid off from his job at a business that is downsizing as a result of Obamacare. He replied that he’s still employed, just working extra jobs to pay his bills off faster.

She stopped short of asking him, “How’s that working for you?”

Maria is in charge of all communications because we’re afraid of what I might say to him. I’m planning a two-week motorcycle trip next month, but will have skip it if we have to make the Indiana house payment without a rent check to back it up.

Yes, I’m cranky.

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