Wednesday, March 17, 2010

SSD Drama


The RunCore 32GB Pro PATA Mini Zif Solid State Drive I bought from My Digital Discount has crashed and died.

It was on back order when I made my purchase last Nov. 2 and it finally arrived Dec. 21. I followed the enclosed instructions and cloned my Windows XP operating system and files from my original 8GB drive onto the new SSD. It worked pretty well for a month or so.

Then it started giving me the Blue Screen of Death with increasing frequency. I re-cloned the old drive onto it and it worked ok for a few days before reverting to the BSD routine.

So I bit the bullet, bought an external CD drive (since my Dell Mini 9 has no CD drive) and did a clean install of XP and reloaded all of my programs and files. It worked like a champ and my Mini 9 was faster than ever. I was a happy camper.

For two weeks.

Then last Friday morning I fired up the computer and the motherboard searched and searched and finally reported it could find no operating system, i.e., no SSD. So I put the old 8GB SSD back in and it runs fine, albeit slower and with less than 700 megabytes of free space.

Consequently, I sent the following message to My Digital Discount’s Customer Service Department this morning:

I purchased a RunCore 32GB Pro IV 50mm T-Style PCI-e PATA Solid State Drive SSD on 11/2/09 and received it 12/21/09. I initially cloned my 8GB drive to it and it ran fine for a month or so before it started crashing. I did a clean install of WindowsXP and it ran perfectly until last week when it crashed to the point where my Dell Mini 9 can't even see it. I have since gone back to the old drive.
What are my warranty options?
Sorry about the lack of an order #. It's not on the confirmation email I received when I ordered the SSD.

I’ll let you know how they respond.

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