Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SSD Drama (Not SS Drama) update


I got an email last Friday from Colleen at in ss general  cap02response to my March 17 query about my crapped-out 32GB SSD (solid state drive) for my Dell Mini 9 netbook.

She asked if I’d like an RMA (return merchandise authorization) for a replacement, to which I immediately agreed.

I was about to fire off an email to her this morning to see if it was in the works when an email from her popped in with a pdf attachment to fill out and send in with the defunct SSD.

Their web site shows the 32GB SSD as a back order item, just like it was when I ordered the first one late last year, so I expect it will be awhile before I see the replacement.

I’m at Hastings at the moment, but I’ll bundle the SSD up with the appropriate paperwork when I get home and hustle it off to the post office in time for the 4 p.m. pickup.

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